
Posts Tagged ‘the right doesnt want kids or healthcare’


You know one thing I can not get right from this Republican so called Conservative Christian party is what do they want?  

They do not want to pay for the poor or children either way, so what is it they want,  do they want to pay now or later?   They are so against abortions, which I am to, unless they are necessary, and I am not God, and that is not my choice to make , but I am not standing out in front of places like Planned Parenthood with signs, with nothing to back it up. 

Yet when these same children are born to parents that can’t afford them, its like , who cares, as long as they didn’t get an abortion, we don’t care, we proved our point, no actually you didn’t prove anything.  You don’t care about these kids or newborns ,  they feel the kids were born, then they forget you, were going to continue our abortion protest, where are these people later when these babies are doing without?    We don’t want to pay for these children, thats not our problem.  

What is it people?   You can’t have it both ways.  You want to criticize a Mother who may abort a child, which I believe is wrong, no way should abortion be a birth control method, but then you want no birth control, and then if all else fails, you do not want to pay for the child when the poor Mother can’t do so,  So What is it, give us your answer maybe we will listen.  You have none.  You have no clue,  Planned Parenthood and other Orgs. are trying to help.  You criticize organizations like Planned Parenthood, but do you know how many teens and unwed mothers go their for help because their Parents are to blind, or to stupid, or to busy to listen.  You need to get with it, take your cause all the way, because these babies you hope to save, need your help later.  Get with it.

If you think they are not ,your wrong, so when your bit^%$#  about paying healthcare to the needy, maybe you should get your Christian Abortion posters out.  Think about the kids after their born, get your lazy butts off the protest walk and help the kids that need you now. There are plenty, so take your walk to help all the children.

You want no birth control, no abortions, and no healthcare, and no help for the poor child born into this mess. So get your s&^% together and decide what you really want, because you make no freaking sense.

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