
Posts Tagged ‘hit and run death’

I want to write in about Judge Anthony Sarcione, but the time I am talking about is when Judge Anthony Sarcione was a District Attorney.  My Father was killed in a hit and run accident in 1998.  The guy that hit and killed him took off, hid his car, and finally friends of his turned him in. DA Sarcione didn’t seem bothered by this, my family went and talked to him.  He told us quote ” You know, young guy going fast, I wouldn’t be that upset with him.” 

Well you know, we were very upset, not so much at the guy that killed our Father, but that he didn’t care, and apparently he was known for running stop signs and red lights and was ready to lose his insurance before he killed our Father.  We are not mean people, we felt bad for the entire situation, we didn’t want to hang this young kid.  That was before we found out he was at the State Police Barracks the next day after killing our Father trying to get his stereo speakers out of the car as one State Police Trooper told us. 

 That’s not my gripe, what happened, happened.  Again, read my earlier post about mandatory sentencing in Pa.  Leaving the scene of an accident, hit and run fatality is supposed to be a automatic year, this guy was out from what I hear in 6 months if that.  That’s all fine and well, but why do the Judges in the Chester County Courthouse only hold some to these rules and guidelines? 

To make a long story short, I wonder if Sarcione would have thought ” Oh, you know young guy going fast, no big deal.” if it was his wife or daughters that were killed in a hit and run accident and the guy left the scene ??????????????????????

The Chester County Court System has a profile I feel in my opinion of who matters, and who doesn’t, and obviously, My Father Didn’t.

Also just wanted to add, my Father was hit in a terrible hit and run accident and left dying, yet the police, and Daily Local News and everyone else kept it out of the paper.  We had people calling us asking if this was really true as they saw the obituary in the paper.  Apparently, can not swear by it, but the kid that killed my Father was the Grandson of a well known Police Officer in the area, so it was hidden, hell there was little DUI’s making the news, but a man hit and killed and left on the road to die, didn’t make the news.  Yeah, Right,  this little brat kid got off because of who he knew.  The Police, the Daily Local News, everyone hid it.  We had to call the Daily Local News to print it so everyone would quit calling us.

Yeah, the frigging Court System is a joke, and it’s who you know, and it’s if you matter, and if your considered high profile, other than that, forget it, you can get murdered on the side of the road, if your not high profile, forget it………………..

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