
Posts Tagged ‘speeding’


Whats with the Parkesburg Police, they now and have always only stopped and faithfully watched the speeders on East First Avenue in front of the current Mayors John Hagans house and former council member Jim Norton, they both live on the same street.  Its funny, this little small town tree lined, paved street always looks so nice, has so much attention given to it, and the Police always watching and catching speeders there.  Ahhh, E. First Avenue in Parkesburg must be the place to live.  Is it because the Mayor demands special treatment, or are the Parkesburg Police sucking up because the Mayor lives their??  One thing for sure, go right down E. First Ave. not even a Second and your at Rt. 10 or N. Church Street, there you will see littered streets, unpaved streets, people going 60 mph in a 35 mph, but no one seems to care.  Your lucky if you can cross that street, but Parkesburg Police do not seem to mind, as long as the Mayors street is covered.  I mean other people in Parkesburg do pay taxes, and really high taxes for that borough, the Police should be treating them all equally.  Maybe the kids on Rt. 10 or N. Church do not matter, after all, they are not the Mayors kids….I mean the people on Church and other streets love their kids too, in fact the Mayor is Old, his kids are grown, you owe it to all the people in Parkesburg to protect their streets, they pay you for that in their outrageous taxes….

Tina chester county

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